Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Back to school

This week I returned to 3rd grade to see my old school children...They had all grown, had haircuts etc! They asked a lot of questions about my holiday. No doubt there will be many more because I am teaching them for 3 days next week!
Other than that time has been taken up meeting friends and catching up and trying to sort out odds and ends relating to the Smile Photography Project. Selected prints of the pictures are also now going to go in the John McDermott Gallery in Siem Reap ( which is great because he is a renowned photographer who focuses on Angkor Wat and surrounds. I'm also going to try and sort that out today which fills me with dread as a trip to the print shop is less than enjoyable due to the general service and staring by staff and other customers!

Later this week we are going to celebrate the inauguration of Obama with the Democrats Abroad who have been working hard here making sure the Americans here have registered to vote. Fingers crossed that change is now coming now we have waved goodbye to Bush!

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